Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Linux and IoT Scalability

Over the past several months we have covered a number of topics on Linux and IoT:
From Embedded Linux to IoT
3 Benefits of Embedded Linux in IoT Development
Linux, Cybersecurity and Protecting Industrial Control Systems

This series concludes with the background of Linux and IoT scalability.

What Makes Linux So Scalable?

There are many reasons for the scalability of Linux:
Building on UNIX: UNIX was designed for ease of portability across processor architectures.
Writing the Linux system in C: The C language was designed to be portable in support of UNIX design standards.
Being an open source product: Linux has the backing of thousands of open source developers.

While these are all contributing factors, insight, successful design and the need for a portable operating system are the most likely reasons for the scalability of Linux.

How Scalable Is Linux?

It would be easier to count the processor architectures that Linux doesn’t run on than provide a list of all the architectures that it does work on. As of this publication, 31 different processors are currently supported for Linux. These architectures range from postage stamp-sized computers to mini-computers, and all the way up to the IBM Z-Series computers. Linux systems are scalable from computers that fit in your pocket to computers that require a full floor of a large building, and everything in-between.

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