Friday, September 18, 2020

A+ Exam requires crisp time management

The objectives also provide insight as to the context of any of the concepts. As you review them look for subtle manipulations in the language that can have a great impact on how to define a correct answer to a question. You may be set in a scenario with a defective device or even a malfunctioning user. The ways the exam defines a scenario will provide clues to the response elements CompTIA wants to point you to. Whether the scenario calls for a situation that addresses an Installation, configuration, identification, or a compare-and-contrast situation, the context of the question formulation will, in part, determine the correct answer (more on this below).
At the Test

Complete the prerequisite permissions and agreements and pay attention to the non-disclosure agreement. Take as long as you need to understand what you’re doing and what is expected of you as the exam clock will only start after you review these preliminaries. There will be a complete recording of your entire session. Take a deep breath and get started!
Time management

Succeeding at the A+ Exam requires crisp time management. When you start the test, you will see your test timer counting down. 90 questions in 90 minutes?!!? Is that even possible? OK, Stop right there. It is possible and you will probably find yourself with extra time on your hands when you are satisfied and ready to grade the test. How is this possible? Here’s how to transform the timer from a source of anxiety into a tool for success.

More Info: comptia a+ salary

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